I Know What It’s Like to Just Want a Hug

A hug. A kiss. A hello or a goodbye. A smile across the room. A wink. A loving pat. A snuggle or a cuddle. Watching a movie together. Sleeping in on Sunday. Doing a project together. These are all things that are taken for granted on a daily basis when couples are together, but when they’re apart, they become the things that are missed the most.

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I’m the Luckiest Woman Alive

Exactly two weeks ago today, I was frantically fixing my hair, worried about shaving my legs for the first time in weeks, making sure our house was perfect, cleaning the van, packing the van, and hanging signs at 10 a.m.

Less than two hours later, our service member would return home!

It’s crazy. I started to think yesterday that, if he were home on R&R, he would be heading back in just four days. Boy, am I glad he’s not on leave!

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Please Let This Be My Last First Kiss

Recently, I was reading a magazine when an article about the last first kiss really resonated with me.

In the essay, the author was recounting her love story (which, if you recall, I love hearing those). At one point, she mentions that when she met the man she knew would be her husband, she then knew that their first kiss would be her last first kiss. My heart was nearly full of the romantic notion of it all—how exquisite to know, to be aware that you are in the middle of your last first kiss.

Of course, being a military wife, I have to put my own spin on it.

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