AWTR Show #931: Leveraging Resources for Flexible Work & Financial Stability

Being a military spouse is already stressful and deployments essentially make them single parents for months or even years at a time. This makes pursuing their own career opportunities increasingly difficult. However flexible work can help them leverage resources to create work flexibility while achieving financial stability.

Hiring our Heroes reports that 33% of military spouses have even lived apart from their spouse in order to seize career opportunities. As more and more Americans are jumping on the flexible work bandwagon, there are ways for military spouses to also reap some of this change in how people work to grow their skill sets while juggling other obligations, including childcare. 

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AWTR Show #917: People Management in the Space Force

Have you moved somewhere new and can’t find a job? You fill out hundreds of job applications before getting a job offer. This happened to Chris Parrett, who is now working in people management with the Space Force. She filled out 123 job applications with a Master’s Degree and middle management experience before getting a job offer.

Many spouses have amazing skill sets that get fragmented and interrupted over the course of their service member’s career. There aren’t good conditions to support them in a career while supporting their service members, but Space Force is working on this. Spouses and family members are talented, extremely resilient, already understand the military way of life, and they deserve to have that path open to them, should they want to have a career.

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Approaching Professional Development as a Job Seeker

What if you’re not looking to change careers and you already have the qualifications required in your field? Continuing to pursue professional development depicts a proactive and willing approach to growth. Maybe you learn a new language, study a software program, or join a professional organization. Being a lifelong learner enhances your ability to be a strong candidate for the roles you choose to pursue.

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AWTR Show #915: Geek Pack

As we all know, keeping a career path as a military spouse can be very difficult. After realizing coding might be easier than she thought, Julia Taylor set out on a mission. She started Geek Pack to create a community to empower others to have the confidence to do things they didn’t think they could.

Julia learned to code by herself and often felt unwelcome in other coding communities. That was all the push she needed to create a welcoming community set on uplifting others and helping them to achieve their goals. A place where mean people are not allowed and there are no stupid questions. A community to empower women to be more comfortable with digital skills.

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AWTR Show #911: Creativity in Milspouse Entrepreneurship

Being a milspouse and keeping up with a career can feel impossible. That’s where Milspouse entrepreneurship comes in. If you create your own company, then you could potentially keep the same job throughout your spouse’s military career. And remember, there will always be a version 2.0, so it’s more important to get started than to be perfect.

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