17 Ways Renters Can Winterize Their Home to Avoid Disasters and Save Money 

You might think it’s up to your landlord to take on all winterizing chores, but in most cases, landlords and renters share the responsibility. Depending on your lease, you might have legal obligations to perform winter maintenance, like draining hose bibs or cleaning the gutters. As a renter, you can do plenty of simple projects to prepare for the colder months that will make you more comfortable while saving money. 

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AWTR Show #937: Double Feature: “Dispatches from the Cowgirl” & Sponsored Interview with First Command

In her new memoir, “Dispatches from the Cowgirl: Through the Looking Glass with a Navy Diplomat’s Wife,” Julie writes about the eight years she spent living in Africa as the trailing spouse of a Navy Foreign Area Officer and how that leap of faith changed her life forever.

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AWTR Show #931: Leveraging Resources for Flexible Work & Financial Stability

Being a military spouse is already stressful and deployments essentially make them single parents for months or even years at a time. This makes pursuing their own career opportunities increasingly difficult. However flexible work can help them leverage resources to create work flexibility while achieving financial stability.

Hiring our Heroes reports that 33% of military spouses have even lived apart from their spouse in order to seize career opportunities. As more and more Americans are jumping on the flexible work bandwagon, there are ways for military spouses to also reap some of this change in how people work to grow their skill sets while juggling other obligations, including childcare. 

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Military Spouses and Qualified Charitable Distributions

As we slowly climb our way out of the pandemic, we have a prime opportunity to restart the charitable giving that many of us were forced to pause during the pandemic. And get this… Those charitable gifts don’t just reap those “feel-good-warm-and-fuzzy” feelings while benefiting the local community, they can also provide some often-unforeseen financial perks. 

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AWTR Show #912: Tips to Help Stretch Your Paycheck

Seeing more and more news related to financial struggles and military families, our News 6 Correspondent wanted to talk about it. For this week’s Milspouse Empowerment Moment, Jolene gives us tips to help stretch your paycheck. 1 in 5 military families experienced food insecurity in 2021, which is an increase from 2020. This can be attributed to many things, including a spouse under or unemployed, moving expenses, inflation, and more.

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AWTR Show #907: Arm Me Up Campaign

As military spouses, we understand what it’s like to have to search for a job every couple of years. PCSing is stressful enough, without throwing in a career search at the same time. That’s where the Arm Me Up Career Campaign comes in.

Whether your spouse retired after 20 years or has only been in one day, the Arm Me Up Career Campaign can help you find your next job. Even if you happen to be in a season where you actually aren’t looking for a job – it’s always best to stay workforce ready and there are classes that can help. The Arm Me Up Career Campaign is run by Military Spouse Jobs and serves all branches, family members, caregivers, active, or retired.

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Three C’s to Equip Milkids with Financial Literacy

One of the best things we can do for the next generation is equip them with financial literacy. This military spouse life comes with loads of responsibility: Managing HH6 in the absence of our service member, cross-country (sometimes global!) PCSes, childrearing, tribe-building,and so much more. It goes without saying that “adulting” can be challenging for anyone, but even more so for military spouses and our kiddos. 

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